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Why Multiculturalism Examples Had Been So Popular Till Now?

Multiculturalism is a term that describes the immigration and absorption of people from various cultures. It has come to be seen as a progressive concept, one that is striving to build a world-wide multicultural society. It is not a new concept; it has been around for many centuries but it is only in the twentieth century that certain groups began to see it as a desirable way to manage diversity. The major multiculturalism examples that can be seen around the globe include the Irish, Italian, Greek, Jews and others.

Ireland is one of the most notable multiculturalism examples. The population was too small to have any major influence on world events during the period of its existence, so its culture was almost entirely focused on its own customs, religion and heritage. With a little immigration, an entire generation came to know and understand the cultural differences through written evidence. This is how Ireland became an extraordinarily successful country in the nineteenth century, as it was able to unite its different cultures.

Multiculturalism examples also exist in Italy. Like Ireland, Italy was too small to have any major influence on world events during the period of its history so it had to find other means of dealing with different cultural backgrounds. A form of multiculturalism was therefore created, which consisted mainly of people of different ethnic backgrounds mixing together. By doing so, Italy was able to create an identity, a culture and a way of life that were unique. Even today, Italian communities live in ethnically diverse neighborhoods that are often separated by hundreds of kilometers.

Another famous example is that of the French. The majority of French people who live in the country live in very small areas, unlike the population in many other countries that live in huge cities. The country has developed a strong sense of identity, a respect for cultural diversity and a willingness to accept and respect other ethnic backgrounds. It is one of the most diverse countries in Europe and there are many different multiculturalism examples that can be seen throughout the country. Some examples include the fact that French people do not eat pork, nor do they consider wearing a burka, that half of the population is of Arab origin and that almost half of them are of Celtic origin.

Another country with a large multicultural population is Canada. Despite its size, Canada still manages to maintain a sense of cultural identity because most of the country is composed of many different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The country also has a long standing history of multiculturalism examples that range from the early days of the fur trade to more modern times. A great multiculturalism example there is the Maple leaf, which is the national symbol of Canada and has become a symbol of pride for many Canadians.

In Germany there are many different multiculturalism examples. Germany is a very multicultural country, as it has large numbers of people of different origins, including many different religions. In many regions of Germany, there are a large Catholic Church as well as a community of Muslims, Gypsies, Jews and other minorities. There are two other significant groups in Germany that have gained popularity as well. One is the autonomist left and the other is the anti-German movement.

France is another important country that has multiculturalism examples. The country has a rich history of conflict between the French people and the British. The French also have a large number of Jews, some 10 million strong, and they have incorporated their culture into their language and the arts. Finally, France has a large Muslim community, numbering in the tens of thousands of people.

All of these multiculturalism examples offer an insight into how much different parts of a country influence the people who live in them. It is interesting to see how deeply these cultures affect each other and how easily they can blend into each other. Different cultures give rise to different customs and beliefs, and it is interesting to follow how this interplay affects each other. There are many different multiculturalism examples that can be found throughout Europe and indeed the world.

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