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Understand The Background Of Us Culture Now

The United States culture is mostly of Western heritage, however is influenced by an increasingly multicultural ethos which includes African, Native American, Asian and Latin American individuals and their respective cultures. In many ways, we Americans are deeply influenced by our neighbors across the border. This melting pot of a multitude of ethnic identities has contributed to the general character of the US culture. Some, such as the Irish, Germans, Italians, and the Spanish, have strong cultural roots.

However, despite the common background of most peoples in this multicultural United States, there are still some significant cultural differences that separate us from them. When it comes to education, values, thoughts, and attitudes towards life, Americans fundamentally differ from those of other countries. People in Europe and other countries are often liberal and democratic, while the majority of Americans are more conservative and deeply religious. Americans are also much less likely to report being bullied or to be the target of racial, sexual, or other intolerance. While the general attitude in the US towards religion is negative, there is a relatively high number of people who report being extremely religious – around 70%.

Another important facet of our unique American culture is food. Americans love their food and have developed a wide variety of sub-cuisine to suit their individual tastes. In addition, many immigrants from various countries brought their own unique culinary traditions with them from their countries of origin. Consequently, American cuisine is far more diverse than most people would assume. To give an example of just a few types of foods, here are a few:

Probably the most famous cuisines of all is hamburgers. However, due to excessive fast food and processed foods, there is a growing segment of the US population that prefers to eat healthier, home-cooked meals. Americans also tend to be a very heavy meat eater, so the traditional hamburger is no longer on the menu. Instead, consumers have developed many different alternative foods such as hot dogs, sizzlers, and Indian food. Many of these foods are not even from the US, but Americans have adopted them with open arms and incorporated them into their everyday lives.

The last category is Americana – foods which are specific to the USA. This includes foods such as southern food, southern regional cuisine, Cajun food, Creole food, and French cuisine. These cuisines have become increasingly popular over the past few decades. Moreover, many of these types of foods were imported into the USA by European immigrants during the nineteenth century.

Within each of these cuisines, there are hundreds of regional styles and kinds of food. Furthermore, there are countless American sub-cuisine that cross each of these regional boundaries. Each of these foods is made uniquely according to taste, atmosphere, region, or country of origin. There is no one single defining flavor or type of food, which allows for such diversity.

Each of these cuisines is vibrant in its own way. Each of them represents something unique about America. Each country adds something to this melting pot that makes it what it is today. From burgers to BBQ ribs to okra, there are thousands of combinations for you to discover when exploring America's food heritage.

So, the next time you're watching the news and hear about the latest food riots, think about the diversity in the US culture. Each of our neighbors across the border brings something unique to the table. Each one is an embarrassment to our country when they don't even speak English properly! We accept them as we are and look past the stereotypes and political rhetoric because we are a country of immigrants. To me, this is just another one of the ironies of America – how we accept people into our country, but look down upon those who enter for a better life and leave to go to a more prosperous nation because they can't speak our language or they couldn't figure out our rules.

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